When you hear people who have gone through those stages, they cannot exactly mention those times or admit they had such experiences; and you think you are extra spectacular for having such.
For instance, you are in a relationship with someone, you have the sweet times and then comes the bad and no one can relate, it looks alien, it feels out of place.
A lot of people will tell you that we overcame the challenges but won't tell you the challenges we overcame.
We will tell you what to run away from but won't tell you what you can endure.
We will tell you the joy we feel now but may not tell you the pain we went through.
We will tell you what we saw in him or her that we love but we won't tell you what we didn't see (yep, I know right?)
We will share with you our successes but may not tell you our failures...
Be comforted, King David said, though I pass through the valley of shadow of death (whether it was via his stubborness, or disobedience or tribulation or trial) I will fear no evil (That's me saying I hold on to God's grace) for Thou at with me (always and forever), thy rod(to protect) and thy staff(to guide) comfort me (His precepts, His word, His children, elders in the field)....
So yea, they don't always tell you the low times. Be encouraged, be strong, go through the process, He has promised, He will never fail...be a partaker of the divine promise, let it build you, make you better.
P.S: for Sons of God. :)
P.S: for Sons of God. :)
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